Public Service Announcement

Hello friends,

Welcome to the home of the community that promotes digital rights, Free Libre Open Source Software, open access, open data, and the digital public domain in Albania.

Some of us have been contributing to these causes for many years by volunteering at a similar organisation. Recently, we received a formal note from the team legally designated to administer the said organisation and their legal team that the place and organisation we held closely in our hearts will close as an entity. As former volunteers we were unable to change this, but at the same time we have decided that we do not want to comment or interact about this matter due to the emotional connection we had with the initiative.

Unfortunately, we don’t know what has happened to the contributions of many people around the world there, and we also have no information on what will happen to these items. Therefore, we cannot answer any questions related to that.

Moving forward

The good news is that those concerned about digital rights in Albania have gathered to continue promoting these issues and continuing the work some of us have been doing for a long time. We aim to grow the community further, using the years of expertise that volunteers like us have gained. We’ll do our best to ensure as much progress as possible in this domain in Albania.

We’ve agreed to work on this slowly but steadily. At the moment, we are working on setting up the needed infrastructure and establishing the ethos behind our initiative. We ask for your patience while we work on this and also establish ways for people to join our cause and join a for-purpose community established by members that believe that collective efforts, collaboration and inclusivity are more important that individual gains.

Join us in our journey by visiting this page from time to time for our updates.

The LibreLabs Albania collective.